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Attention Parents:
If you have a College Choice Direct 529 account in the Fulton County Indiana 529 program, you must email your student UGIFT CODE to Lori Schoen asap. Due to processing changes, any incentives earned will only be contributed to the accounts using this Code.
Please send the UGIFT CODE to: loris.fultoncountyindiana529@gmail.com
If you would like to purchase this shirt for yourself or anyone else in your family, please send the money in an envelope marked with the following:
*Zebra Zone Shirt
*Student's name
*Shirt Size - (YS up to 3XL)
*Amount included - each shirt is $15 - CASH ONLY
All orders AND money need to be turned in to Columbia by next Friday, Sept. 20th. Any orders with no $ by Friday will not be processed.
This is the last chance to order your 2024-2025 school supply kit, last day will be Friday, May 24th.
This is for incoming All Day Preschool students, Kindergarten students, and 1st Grade students.
https://www.shopttkits.com/ code 44171
This year Columbia will again be offering the SchoolKidz supply kit program which offers pre-packaged, school supply boxes filled with the exact items requested by your child's teacher. The box comes directly to Columbia over the summer and we will have it on your student's desk ready for our Open House and the 1st day of school.
Why fight the hassle of retail when there's a cost effective and convenient way of purchasing your back-to-school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year? Skip the lines this summer. Would you rather spend a summer day driving from store to store to purchase school supplies or get everything you need in one easy box? Supply orders include the exact colors, quantities, and brands your teachers have approved for class. Get your back-to-school shopping out of the way early and enjoy a summer day!
Simply place your order by May 24th .
Order online at www.shopttkits.com.
Enter our school's account number 44171.
Columbia Book Fair starts on Monday!
Students will be able to shop the book fair during their library time!
FAMILY EVENT will be March 1st, Friday, 5:00-7:30pm in the Columbia gym!
Visit our Book Fair homepage and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
Email if you have any questions, jazmine.rentschler@zebras.net.
To order your yearbook visit: https://inter-state.com/order and enter code: 83095R
Online ordering available until: Friday, March 08, 2024
Para ordenar su Anuario visite: https://inter-state.com/order e introduzca este codigo: 83095R
Ordenar en llnea termina el: viernes, 9 de marzo, 2024
Here's what you need to know about the big event, which will take place from 2/26 - 3/1! During that week students will be able to make purchases during their library time! We also have a FAMILY EVENT, 3/1 from 5 pm to 7:30 pm!
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping: