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Rochester Middle School
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RMS Guidance Information


  • 21st Century Scholar | Description: Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars is a needs and performance based program, that provides students the opportunity to earn up to a four-year scholarship at an Indiana college or university.
  • Drive of Your Life | Description: Drive of Your Life is a fun Indiana specific online career exploration game.
  • Federal Student Aid | Description: This website provides information on preparing for college, aid to pay for educational expenses, and information for parents.
  • Indiana College Cost Eliminator | Description: Calculate your college costs, explore Indiana colleges, and locate Indiana colleges and universities on a map.
  • Know How 2 Go | Description: KnowHow2GO is a website designed to encourage students to prepare for college. Explore the site to learn more about the steps you need to take to be college-ready.
  • Learn More Indiana | Description: Here you’ll find the tools you need to plan your career path, help pick the right school, and take an honest look at how to pay for it all.